Divine Global Santuary  Foundation  (DIGSAF)

What We do


The Divine Global Sanctuary Foundation is dedicated to addressing critical global challenges through targeted and impactful initiatives. Our primary areas of focus include:


We promote health and well-being by offering medical services, health education, and support for disease prevention and treatment.


We provide access to quality education, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to build a better future.


We ensure access to clean and safe drinking water through the construction of wells, water purification projects, and sanitation education.



We work towards mitigating climate change by promoting sustainable practices, environmental education, and community-based conservation projects.he world.

Disaster Management

We provide emergency relief and support to communities affected by natural disasters, helping them to recover and rebuild.6.

Drug Abuse Prevention

We raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse and offer rehabilitation and support services to those affected.

Gender Violence Prevention

We combat gender violence by promoting gender equality, providing support to survivors, and advocating for policies that protect the rights of women and girls.

Through these initiatives, we strive to create a positive impact and foster resilience, sustainability, and hope within communities around the country.